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jovian planet中文是什么意思

用"jovian planet"造句"jovian planet"怎么读"jovian planet" in a sentence


  • 类木行星


  • Pluto is not classified into either the terrestrial or jovian planets due to its special features
  • The mass of jupiter is about 300 times that of the earth , however its density is low . in fact , these are general features of jovian planets
  • Its density is roughly 2 . 3 times that of water . usually , the jovian planets have density less than 2 , while terrestrial planets have density more than 5
    冥王星的密度约为水的2 . 3倍通常来说,类木行星的密度会小于2 ,而类地行星的密度则大于5 。
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